social media

Twitter Files Show Americans are Living in Soviet Style Society

After taking over Twitter, Elon Musk has embarked on a campaign to toss the skeletons from Twitter’s secret closets into the sunshine. We knew Twitter was a tech tyrant, censoring conservative views and users, but until now, the depth of the issue has never been publicly exposed, complete with, what appears to be, solid proof and source documents.

By |2023-02-03T16:11:11-05:00December 23, 2022|Presidents Corner|

This Video Got ACRU Executive Director Allen West Banned from TikTok

This video, highlighting the unprecedented government abuse via its FBI raid on former President Trump's private residence, caused the leftist social media machine to permanently ban LTC West from TikTok. What's next? The left fears truth and free discourse of political views, so they simply silence opposing viewpoints in the media and online.

By |2023-05-22T22:42:53-04:00August 12, 2022|First Amendment, Video|
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