Socialism, the Creed of Ignorance
The same day on which we received the report of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) showing a growth in core inflation, the Biden administration held a celebration.
The same day on which we received the report of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) showing a growth in core inflation, the Biden administration held a celebration.
At the ACRU, we reject the philosophy of failure, we will never surrender our constitutional rights.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" -- George Santayana, Spanish Political Philosopher. Young military leaders are taught to study history and battles to look for parallels. There are certain principles that are immutable and transcend time. Last week as we heard about the televised January 6th hearings, more of a Stalinesque show trial, I reflected back upon the history of the Democrat Party in America. It is a history that can be summed up in four S-words; slavery, secession, segregation, and socialism. And if there is one unifying word that transcends each of those phases, it is violence.
Fast forward to today and there is no debate that progressives, socialists, Marxists, statists, and communists have but one goal in mind. It is the objective articulated by Barack Obama, America's first openly socialist president, in the final days of the 2008 election. He stated at a rally in Columbia, Missouri, "we are just five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
If you are a student of history, you will recognize the title of this missive. If you are not, let me explain. After the successful landings in Normandy the Allies began pushing through the hedgerows and set their sights on crossings into Germany. One of the plans, offered by British General Montgomery, was to spearhead a combined airborne and ground assault through the Netherlands and cross the Rhine River into northern Germany. The operation was to be called Market (Airborne) Garden (Ground). It was to be the largest airborne operation ever known and it pulled together US and British Airborne forces who were to seize critical bridges along a singular route enabling the British Armored XXX Corps to push through.
Recall the theme of Joe Biden's presidential address, "Unity”. Well, that was a bunch of bovine excrement, as we would say here in Texas. The real theme of Biden's speech, and the mantra of the progressive socialist left is "conformity". And if you actually paid attention to Biden's address you would have surmised the consequences and ramifications of non-conformity. Simply stated, you will be disparaged, denigrated, demeaned, arrested, targeted, and unconstitutionally detained.
Perhaps some of you may recall that this whole idea of taxing income began in the early 1900s, circa 1917. Prior to taxing Americans based upon their income, taxation was based upon consumption, what people purchased. The personal income tax was supposed to be temporary, and not to exceed 2%. Yes, the joke is firmly upon the American people.
So, how did we find ourselves in such a grave situation in America that we have avowed socialists as representatives at various levels of government? The answer is simple, we never said “no.”We are living in a time in America where a certain group of individuals are turning their ideology into policy. And most of this is occurring through the use of edicts, orders, mandates, and decrees. None of which are constitutional, because in a Republic we are to be governed by the rule of law. Instead, we are being ruled as subjects.Since we have failed to say "no", we are on the precipice of losing constitutional governance in America...some would say we already have. I am not one of those.
How much can lack of election integrity cost you? It’s $3 trillion and rising, and it’s all that stands between you and the socialist takeover of America. Unsecure elections are the gateway to socialism.