“In Pennsylvania, there was a clear violation of Article II of Constitution that gives authority to state legislatures to set the calendar and electoral rules for the state’s voters – not the state judiciary, not the Governor, and not the Secretary of State. In other states, liberal lawsuits waved through by liberal judges usurped the power of the people by dismantling vote security measures passed by their state legislators. This must be corrected, and state legislative bodies must reclaim their authority to protect voters against fraud, political criminals and activist judges that overreach.
A recent article from The Federalist, noted below, provides a few simple steps legislators can take to ensure the integrity of the election process.”
Source: ACRU Action Board Member Ken Blackwell: Legislators, not jurists, are responsible for vote integrity
ACRU Action Board Member Ken Blackwell: Legislators, not jurists, are responsible for vote integrity
J. Kenneth Blackwell
November 22, 2020
Source: ACRU Action Board Member Ken Blackwell: Legislators, not jurists, are responsible for vote integrity
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