Stealing Votes from the Very Vulnerable – Nursing Home Voter Fraud
ACRU Staff
March 10, 2022
It appears that the Democratic Party is trying to commandeer the voting process in nursing homes in at least one locale in Virginia, and perhaps elsewhere. A well-known Democratic operative asked a local voter registrar for blanket authority to fill out absentee ballot requests for nursing home residents, a Virginia citizen who serves as an election officer told The Truth. The operative also asked for authority to take possession of all such blank absentee ballots issued and to hold them until the Democratic Party can schedule a ‘Voting Day’ at each nursing home in the district. At ‘Voting day’ events, to be held shortly before the November election, representatives of the Democratic Party would ‘help’ the residents complete their ballots, i.e., assist them in casting their votes. At this writing, two members of the local election board in question are opposed to the Democrats’ request, but the matter is still pending.
Read More: Stealing Votes from the Very Vulnerable – Nursing Home Voter Fraud | BWCentral