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Does the Progressive Socialist Left Read the Constitution?
Allen West
June 28, 2022
This is a very tumultuous and critical time in the life cycle of our Constitutional Republic. It was just a few weeks ago that I penned a missive titled “Constitutional Rights vs Ideological Rights” for this conservative platform. Who would have ever thought how quickly that writing would come to fruition? I must admit, after last week’s apoplectic meltdowns by the progressive socialist leftists I have to wonder if they have ever read the Constitution of these United States of America?
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Does the Progressive Socialist Left Read the Constitution?
Allen West
June 28, 2022
This is a very tumultuous and critical time in the life cycle of our Constitutional Republic. It was just a few weeks ago that I penned a missive titled “Constitutional Rights vs Ideological Rights” for this conservative platform. Who would have ever thought how quickly that writing would come to fruition? I must admit, after last week’s apoplectic meltdowns by the progressive socialist leftists I have to wonder if they have ever read the Constitution of these United States of America?
Read More: Does the Progressive Socialist Left Read the Constitution?
By joining the Committee to Support and Defend, you will be directly supporting our active-duty servicemembers, their families and our treasured veterans.
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