The ‘Pandemic is Over,’ But, No One Told the Military
Allen West
October 5, 2022
This past weekend, Joe Biden called US Coast Guard Aviation Survival Technician 2nd Class Zach Loesch to congratulate him on his efforts post-Hurricane Ian in rescuing Floridians. This was the second time that Biden had called and offered congratulations to AST2 Loesch. PO2 Loesch had previously gone above the call of duty in rescuing five fishermen off of the Gulf Coast and getting them back to safety, while injured by their boat’s propeller blade. The first feat of heroism and bravery had earned him a Distinguished Flying Cross, but the award was downgraded to a Meritorious Service Medal because of an interesting fact.
AST2 Loesch is scheduled within the next 30-60 days to be discharged from the US Coast Guard because of his refusal to take the shot. Yes, Joe Biden has called this Coast Guardsman twice, and now — due to his unconstitutional, unethical, and immoral shot mandate — he is forcing this highly trained and skilled young man out of the service. Zach joins approximately 20,000 others who are facing the same fate. Don’t forget that Biden recently asserted in a 60 Minutes interview that “the pandemic is over.”
Yesterday, when White House spokeswoman Jean-Pierre was asked about this situation, she passed the buck to the Coast Guard leadership, dismissing Biden’s responsibility, and accountability on the issue. Ms. Jean-Pierre also commented that vaccines are part of military service. I agree, vaccines are, indeed, part of military service. They are given especially for troops deploying to certain areas where there are specific diseases . . . I should know. However, the COVID shot is not a vaccine, as COVID is not a disease, it is a respiratory viral infection. The US military does not mandate or force troops to take the flu shot . . . I should know. The flu shot is seasonal and is given to stave off a viral infection.
As a matter of fact, if one looks at the example of Joe Biden and SecDef Lloyd Austin, both were given shots and boosted, and still contracted the COVID virus, Biden twice. As well, the COVID shot was under emergency use authorization and was an experimental shot that has had serious consequences and ramifications for our men and women in uniform who have acquiesced to their questionable mandate. There have been indisputable increases in the heart condition called myocarditis in the armed forces. So, the shot itself has had an adverse effect on our military readiness, contrary to the claims that not taking the shot will affect our readiness.
As well, why are we discharging these men and women in uniform at a time when we are allowing millions of illegal immigrants into our nation . . . and they are not forced to have a shot? As a matter of fact, consider the estimated 900,000 illegal immigrant “got-aways” that are roaming about our country, “unvaccinated” and the progressive socialist leftists, meaning Joe Biden, care little about “discharging” them from the United States. If we want to talk about an interesting factoid, that 900,000 number is larger than our combined US Army and US Marine Corps active duty strength, quite troubling.
I had the honor of interviewing Anna Loesch, the wife of AST2 Zach Loesch on our Steadfast and Loyal podcast, which will air tomorrow. We must remember that it is not just the service member who is being discharged, it is also the family. And, in many cases, this Biden administration is canceling all benefits for these military families . . . but if you come here under Biden’s open border policy illegally, you can get all the taxpayer benefits you desire.
How utterly disgusting!
This is why the Committee to Support and Defend, America’s Constitutional Conservative Veterans organization, exists. We veterans must mobilize and let our voices be heard in a resounding manner. It is time to call your member of Congress and Senate, call the SecDef and Secretary of Homeland Defense, call the White House switchboard . . . take 3-5 minutes to melt down phone lines. And, if your designated federal government Congressional representative does not support ending this abhorrent COVID shot mandate on our military, vote them out. If they attempt to give you some dismissive response such as the White House spokeswoman, tell them your reply will come at the ballot box very soon.
We want this to end. We want all those already discharged to be reinstated to military service. This is unconscionable. If you are not a member of our Committee to Support and Defend, please join, regardless, find the courage and honor to take a stand on this deliberate, intentional, and purposeful effort to undermine our national security and military readiness.
Steadfast and Loyal!