Press Release: LTC Allen West to Lead 2A Legislative Week on Capitol Hill
ACRU Staff
February 28, 2023
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 28, 2023
CONTACT: Tyler Yzaguirre, 202-596-7655, Tyler@sainational.org or Tracey Miller, 202-660-1628, Tracey.Miller@theacru.org
Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union
Board Member, The Second Amendment Institute
LTC Allen West to Lead 2A Legislative Week on Capitol Hill
Washington, DC —Former Congressman, Second Amendment Institute (SAI) Board Member and American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) Executive Director Allen West to lead a dedicated group of citizens concerned about protecting 2A rights.
With a focus on increasing awareness of both HR 38 – the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and HR 58 – the Firearm Industry Non-Discrimination Act or FIND Act, LTC West, SAI President Tyler Yzaguirre and scores of citizens will voice their concerns about increasing attacks on the Constitutional right to bear arms.
“I look forward to being on Capitol Hill in defense of our critical second amendment right. The language of the second amendment is clear and has been upheld by the Supreme Court. It truly stands as an obstacle to complete tyranny by the progressive socialist left” stated LTC West.
Tyler Yzaguirre concurred, “I look forward to working with Colonel West and our fellow Second Amendment defenders on Capitol Hill this week. We refuse to sit idly by as Biden’s unconstitutional rules infringe upon the 2A rights of law-abiding citizens. I hope to work with Congressional Members on both sides of the aisle in order to defend the gun rights of every American.”
The American Constitutional Rights Union is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending all Americans’ constitutionally protected civil rights.
The Second Amendment Institute is a grassroots educational non-profit organization that educates, activates and empowers individuals to be effectively mobilized for the Second Amendment.