America’s Submarine Crisis


Allen West


August 14, 2023

Greetings to our patriotic CSD members. This past weekend I spoke to an organization called Combat Marines Outdoors that takes struggling veterans on hunting and fishing trips in Texas. The topic of my presentation was one word, “Priorities.” When it pertains to our national security and military readiness, it is apparent that the priorities of this Biden administration are severely lacking. Biden and his inept SecDef are more focused on funding abortion, gender transition therapies and surgeries, and cultural Marxist programs and personnel … in other words, the leftist ideological agenda.

Every branch of our military is feeling the pain, and most recently, the Soldiers at Ft. Hood (Cavazos), Texas, have reduced accessibility to on-post dining facilities—mess halls.

I want you to review this article expressing the issues with our US Navy’s fast-attack submarine fleet. We already know that the Navy has fewer surface warships than China and that there are not enough amphibious ships to transport our Marines. Now, this at a time when China and Russia have been conducting naval maneuvers off the coast of Alaska.

Call your representatives in the US House and Senate, especially those who serve on the Armed Services Committee. This is why the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) must focus on military readiness, not leftist ideological wokeness. The final bill will be crafted by reconciliation between the House and Senate versions in September after Congress returns from “recess.” Yea, kinda funny, a full paid month vacation when the Country is in abject economic, energy, national, domestic, and border security peril. When the Army-Navy game comes around in December, we Soldiers always joke, “Go Army, Sink the Navy” Joe Biden is actually doing just that!

But hey, things must be fine, ol’ Joe Biden was working on his tan at the beach, again, his version of an amphibious operation!

Steadfast and Loyal!



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