The curly-haired five-year-old was in trouble again. The year was 1967, and her kindergarten teacher had sent her to sit in the corner for the third time that week. The same crime was committed almost every day during recess. The little girl acted a lot like a little boy. The teacher requested that Mom stop the “inappropriate behavior,” but the mother insisted on a compromise: she would have her daughter wear shorts under her dress each day. That teacher was wrong. But not as wrong as a progressive 2023 teacher who would insist that such a little girl is actually a little boy trapped in a little girl’s body.
READ MORE: AMAC Magazine: Volume 17, Issue 4
Roman: Trucks Are For Girls
Lori Roman
October 12, 2023
The curly-haired five-year-old was in trouble again. The year was 1967, and her kindergarten teacher had sent her to sit in the corner for the third time that week. The same crime was committed almost every day during recess. The little girl acted a lot like a little boy. The teacher requested that Mom stop the “inappropriate behavior,” but the mother insisted on a compromise: she would have her daughter wear shorts under her dress each day. That teacher was wrong. But not as wrong as a progressive 2023 teacher who would insist that such a little girl is actually a little boy trapped in a little girl’s body.
READ MORE: AMAC Magazine: Volume 17, Issue 4
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