

Allen West


November 30, 2023

I pray everyone had a very happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving with family. It is imperative that we take time out to count our many blessings, and not just for one day, but every day.

However, there are some things for which I do not give thanks, and that is betrayal of the men and women who serve us in uniform. I do not get caught up in too much social media excitement, but a recent video posting grabbed my attention. I also wanted to ensure that it was real and not just a hoax. Well, it is real. And it is really appalling.

Perhaps you saw the video of the young US Army Specialist assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division in Ft. Bragg NC — sorry woke jerks, it will always be Ft. Bragg to those of us who served there — emotionally discussing being charged some $3,500 for gear he was told to leave behind in Afghanistan. The soldier was out-processing from the Army and was doing so under Honorable Discharge. One of the things that happens when you arrive at a new duty station, you sign for personal gear that must be turned in upon your permanent change of duty station (PCS) or End and Termination of Service (ETS). You sign what is called a “hand receipt” listing all your items and equipment. As well, based upon your duty position in your unit, you may also sign for specific pieces of equipment, such as vehicles, tools, communications gear, weapon, and other duty-related items.

What appears to have happened to this soldier is that upon the highly disturbing exit from Afghanistan, ordered by the Biden administration — no, Biden himself — troops were told to leave gear and equipment behind. We have learned that over $80B of US military equipment was left behind in Afghanistan, mainly at Bagram AB, a highly strategic base. The Taliban were so courteous to verify this by making videos of the abandoned equipment, and using it in their “triumphant” 20th remembrance parade of 9-11 through Kabul. Now, the Army has ordered this soldier to recoup the cost of the equipment that he was ordered to leave behind, which a terrorist organization now has in its possession. There have been reports that some of that equipment left behind in Afghanistan somehow has made its way to Gaza into the hands of Hamas and other Islamic terrorist organizations.

There is only one word to describe this incident: betrayal.

When one watches the video of this young paratrooper you will hear in his voice the utter disdain he holds for having served. That should not ever be the case. He does not regret having to separate from the US Army, matter of fact, he admits to being glad that he is. This is what is happening all over our military as it has gone from focusing on its core mission to one of a leftist ideological woke agenda of cultural Marxism, gender dysphoria, murdering of unborn babies, and sexual deviancy. It is not just that recruiting is suffering, but retention is as well

Imagine this soldier being told that he must pay nearly $4,000 for equipment he was ordered to leave behind. Yet, he knows that illegals are being given tens of thousands of dollars in free benefits. He knows that we are sending billions of dollars to a foreign country, Ukraine, yet we refuse to secure our very own border. That there are young people in his age group who are being told that their college student loans will be paid off. But he has to fork over thousands of dollars for following orders, while deployed into a combat zone. Yeah, I know, Obama said combat operations were declared over. Well, the enemy has a vote and they did not get the memo.

If this is the way the progressive socialist leftists are going to treat members of our military, who would want to serve? Heck, pro-Hamas maniacs issuing threats all over our country get better treatment.

Can someone tell me why anyone would vote for those who betray our uniformed men and women, as well as our law enforcement officers?

Last week, I discussed how the Biden administration, the Pentagon, is now saying “Oops, my bad. We didn’t mean to kick you out for not following our unconstitutional, unethical, immoral, and unlawful order to take the COVID jab.” Yes, based upon this action, there are lawsuits being initiated for wrongful termination.

I want you to consider this: When you hear about 1-1.5 million illegal immigrant “gotaways” in America, that number is larger than our active-duty US Army and US Marine Corps. When you hear about 30,000 Chinese nationals, mainly single military-aged males, illegally crossing our border and being allowed entry, that is the equivalent of almost three US Army combat divisions.

There is only one word to describe this: betrayal.

Our US Constitution is our rule of law. If you are not following it, adhering to it, supporting and defending it, then you are betraying it, and the American people. The best description for those doing such is traitors. I do not say this lightly, but I affirm this with truth and facts.

The Committee to Support and Defend Action (CSD) was started to ensure we support those who support and defend our Constitution. And, we call out those who do not. It began so it could be a voice for those like the young Army paratrooper who was told to pay thousands of dollars for following the orders of his superiors. All who were following the orders of a Commander-in-Chief who betrayed them. Where are our senior military leaders, you know, those three and four star generals?

In Isaiah 6:8, Isaiah stood before the host of the Lord, and heard God say, “Whom shall we send, who will go for us?” Of course, Isaiah stood and replied, “Here am I, send me.”

If we continue to betray our men and women in uniform, looking at watches when they are brought home for their final resting duty station, who will go for the US?

The Committee to Support and Defend will be there to speak up and support those we ask to give the last full measure of devotion. But first, we must show devotion to them, by removing those who betray them.

Steadfast and Loyal.



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