Leftists Hate our US Constitution


ACRU Staff


March 21, 2024

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is hearing a case, Murthy v Missouri, which challenges the Biden administration’s alleged coordination with Big Tech to censor certain speech of American citizens. The lawsuit has been brought by the Attorney Generals of Missouri and Louisiana and has been affirmed in two lower court cases. Now, the Biden administration has brought it to the highest court in the land. The issue at hand stems from accused high-ranking government officials coordinating with social media companies using the pretense of “combating misinformation” to censor First Amendment rights, particularly in the case of dissenting insights, perspectives, and thoughts on COVID-19.

During yesterday’s hearing, Justice Kentanji Brown-Jackson made a very disconcerting statement when she said to the lawyer representing Louisiana, Missouri, and private plaintiffs, “My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the federal government in significant ways in the most important time periods.”

In essence, and this is not an overstated hyperbole, Justice Jackson, a sitting justice on SCOTUS, expressed a sentiment that the First Amendment has a restricting power against the federal government. Well, yes, it does, and that includes the entire Constitution of the United States of America. It is indeed a document that restricts the powers of the federal government and is precise in enumerating what those powers are for the respective branches. It is vital that we all understand that no emergency suspends the rule of law, but it appears that is what Justice Jackson holds as a belief. Remember the sage words of one Benjamin Franklin, “those who would surrender essential liberty for temporary security, will in the end deserve neither liberty nor security”.

There is a reason why our US Constitution was not considered for ratification until it had those first ten amendments added — our Bill of Rights. Yes, the affirmation of our individual rights and a final amendment that ensures the right relationship between the federal government, the States, and the People.

But none of this matters to the totalitarians of the progressive socialist left. Take, for example, the words of one Joe Biden, spoken at the White House, of all places. Biden asserted not once, but twice, that “no amendment to the Constitution is absolute”. I mean, really? Doggone, I guess those leftist Democrats would surely like to go back and repeal that 13th Amendment, which they didn’t support then. Yes, I jest, but then again, perhaps not. What Biden was alluding to, of course, was our Second Amendment right, you know, that whole thing about Americans being able to “keep and bear arms”, an individual right that “shall not be infringed”… not for leftists.

Leftists hate our Constitution because they are tyrants who want complete control; yes, they are control freaks. What Biden and Jackson said in full public view is exactly what these progressive socialists, Marxists, have been thinking and saying for years in their little private confabs and gatherings. They despise individual freedoms, rights, and liberties. They prefer collective subjugation and adherence to their ideological agenda, which guides their ideological constitution and preferred rights.

Consider the Obama-appointed federal judge, Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman of Illinois, who just recently ruled that the Constitution grants gun rights to noncitizens who have entered the Country illegally. She states that a federal prohibition on illegal immigrants owning firearms is unconstitutional. Her belief is that the government cannot deprive a noncitizen who has never been convicted of a violent crime from exercising Second Amendment rights.

Well, duh, Judge Coleman, entering the country illegally is a felony crime, well, not for the progressive socialist leftists who do not believe in our sovereignty as a Nation. So, let me get this right: the Second Amendment rights of US citizens can be violated, but they should be extended to illegal immigrants? Obviously, this Judge has never purchased a firearm and therefore completed an ATF Form 4473, which asks about citizenship status, an immediate disqualifier for a noncitizen, illegally in the United States, to purchase a firearm.

Think about it: Judge Coleman just affirmed that she wanted the millions of unknown “got away” single military-age male illegal immigrants to be armed. This is at the same time when Biden is telling legal law-abiding American citizens that he wants to disarm them.

This would all be laughable if it were not so very serious.

Justice Brown-Jackson has affirmed to us all that she is concerned about our First Amendment rights of free speech and free expression is secondary to the will of government. And this is supposed to be a Supreme Court justice concerned with interpreting our law, not her ideological beliefs. It was as if she were saying, “Obey.” And nothing should “hamstring” the government from forcing you to “Obey.” Let us not forget that the Biden administration sought to establish a government office on “disinformation” and have it in the Department of Homeland Security … where they have agents with weapons.

We at the American Constitutional Rights Union will always stand in the gap to protect our individual constitutional rights. It is why we exist and why our motto is “Live Free.” Joe Biden, Kentanji Brown-Jackson, and Sharon Johnson Coleman, along with all the Marxist minions, do not want you to Live Free … they want you to live as subjects to their will, their designs.

It is as if we are living in an Orwellian novel. And never forget, it was George Orwell who said, “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” This is where we are in the United States of America.

Steadfast and Loyal.



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