Freedom of the Press?
Allen West
July 30, 2024
“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will come to believe it. And in time, you will come to believe it yourself.”
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda
Greetings, everyone. I was in Congress when a reporter asked me a question about how many Americans believed that Republicans were in charge. The truth was that Republicans had a majority in the US House of Representatives…but Harry Reid and the Democrats controlled the US Senate. Oh, by the way, Barack Obama was sitting in the White House. I responded to the reporter that the Democrats had a propaganda machine that would make Joseph Goebbels proud. Oh boy, everyone went apoplectic that I was comparing Democrats to Nazis. Then again, Nazi does stand for National Socialist. Folks completely disregarded the comparison because the leftist media was portraying our House GOP majority as running things on Capitol Hill. Funny, the same media types said nothing about Democrats calling George W. Bush and Trump today Hitler….or comparing GITMO to a concentration camp.
The truth be told, the aforementioned quote from Joseph Goebbels has resounding relevance to what is happening in America today. After all, Joe Biden is sharp as can be and is firmly in charge of our Country. Or, as Biden said to a CNN host, he inherited a 9% inflation rate.
I think we all want to have freedom of the press, but do we have an objective press in America? Or do we have a propaganda arm of one political party?
Let’s just take a look at some of the recent developments since one Kamala Harris became the coronated one. All of a sudden, the leftist media is telling us that VP Harris was never appointed as the Border Czar, really? Yes, it was as if they all got their talking points and marching orders and went redundantly expressing the very same thing, in complete alignment with Goebbels’ quote. Then, all of a sudden, the Media Research Center, headed up by Brent Bozell, busted up their little party. Bozell’s group put out a side-by-side video showing leftist media outlets proclaiming Harris as the Border Czar in 2021, next to them saying she was never appointed Border Czar…oops!
Then consider the news reporter in Minneapolis, Minnesota, who, during an interview with Harris, sought to tell the big lie about Harris never having raised bail funds for violent protesters, including Antifa members. Well, just a simple search showed the same reporter discussing Harris raising funds for the release of said individuals and actually resulting in the murder of someone by one of those released.
I find it quite ludicrous, comical if it were not so serious, that all the leftist media were on the same tagline, “threat to democracy.” Now it appears that, again, the call for the big lie has gone out, and the new buzzword is Trump/Vance are just “weird.”
I remember growing up and sitting there with my parents, watching Chet Huntley and David Brinkley. Those fellas just reported the news—no propaganda. We want a free press. That is a rock-solid part of our First Amendment. What we do not want is some semblance of a Pravda state-controlled media, but that is what has evolved. I think the left, meaning Democrats, regret agreeing to the June 27th debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The big lie could no longer be proliferated; they were exposed…as if they were shocked. Now, in the aftermath of the dumping of Joe Biden, because he no longer has any utility for the progressive socialist left, they are rallying to the beckoning of Kamala Harris.
The Sunday that Biden announced that he was stepping down, I did not sit at the altar of Fox News. I tuned into CNN, MSNBC, and CBS to see what the complicit leftist media was cooking up. And boy, howdy, were they busy brewing up a special stew of lies. But, in this age of everyone being able to research for themselves, well, outside of the mindless lemmings and useful idiots, it is hard to promulgate the lie.
We are certainly living in Orwellian times. Who would have ever thought that Orwell’s quote, “In a universe of deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act,” would be so accurate? And if you are seeking to tell the truth, the forces of a totalitarian government will endeavor to shut down your voice, censor you, and, if necessary, visit upon you the strong arm of force. In essence, what has happened in America is that since we no longer have a free press but rather an ideological press, the right of individual free speech and expression is being targeted…unless your speech and expression are accepted by the ideological agenda of the progressive socialist, Marxist, left. How dare you say, illegal immigrants or illegal aliens? These are just migrants. How dare you speak out against women’s reproductive healthcare when the objective is the dismembering of unborn babies up to the time of birth. How dare you speak out and seek to protect your children from pedophiles? After all, they are just “minor-attracted persons.”
Or, in the case of one Dr. Eithan Haim, how dare you expose the mutilation of children’s bodies by the world’s largest children’s hospital? We will dispatch armed federal agents to your home.
Who knows, perhaps that knock will be coming to my door in the wee hours of the morning? Chances are, I will be getting up anyway to go for a run. Hopefully, I will return with the same number of holes in my body.
We live in perilous times, and it is because the freedom of the press has been perverted from what our founders intended. Only an informed and educated people—the electorate—can sustain this Constitutional Republic. If the acolytes of the new American Pravda have their way, they will truly fundamentally transform our America. That is why the American Constitutional Rights Union wants you to be a citizen who knows the truth…not a mushroom subject kept in the dark and fed a load of leftist garbage.
Steadfast and Loyal.