Last week, some of us took the time to remember that it was the 237th anniversary of our US Constitution, 17 September 1787. Sadly, I do not think most of this Country, this Republic was aware. The week prior, we had a presidential debate in the National Constitution Center and not a mention was made of the constitution. We heard about folks eating pets and boring rallies. I find it interesting, considering that an American president takes an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, our rule of law.
Constitutional conservatives revere the U.S. Constitution and see it as our rule of law. It is a document that is a limiting prescription for the federal government. The question is whether or not the progressive socialist, Marxist left sees the Constitution in the same way. The answer is quite apparent: they do not. The Constitution establishes three coequal branches of government, separation of powers, and delineates the enumerated duties and responsibilities of each branch. Leftists seek not to be bound when it comes to their quest for power, control, and domination.
Leftists embrace the three branches of rule.
The first branch of the left is the courts, and we see it reflected in their pursuit of this concept called “lawfare.” It is a desire to use the court system to not do as the Constitution prescribes—judicial review and interpretation of the law. For the left, courts are the place for judicial activism and the advancement of that which is not attainable through a legislative process. Leftists believe that courts can make law, meaning a failure to understand basic civics. Why else would leftists go apoplectic about packing the U.S. Supreme Court other than the fact that they want judicial control? If judicial decisions do not go the way leftists desire, then a court is deemed unlawful…let us not forget Chuck Schumer’s threats to Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
Why is it that New York Judge Merchan can go about manipulating rulings in his court and even taking a case where he should recuse himself? Why do leftists always call for conservative justices to recuse themselves but not leftist justices? Here in Texas, during the 2018 midterm election cycle, George Soros focused on wiping out conservative judges in Harris (Houston) and Dallas counties. The result, when combined with District Attorneys who do not prosecute criminal cases, has been a revolving door of violent criminals being released back onto our streets…ala Alvin Bragg.
Control of the courts by the left means the ability to implement their rule under the guise of justice, which they have reclassified as “social.”
The second branch of rule for leftists is academia, just take a look at the chaos and support for anti-Semitism and Islamic terrorism emanating from our campuses. Marxism has always sought to establish itself among the institutions of higher learning; now, it seeks to be extended into every level of academia. Teachers’ unions are more concerned about their political agenda instead of the education of our children and grandchildren. When you go onto an American campus, the lack of any equality of conscience, thought, or diverse perspective is highly alarming. To the point that many young people believe that censorship is warranted against those who do not surrender to leftist groupthink.
The mantra of leftism is that if one can control the minds of the young, they will control the future. Too often, we read about leftist indoctrination and what is the number one enemy of this—educational freedom. How could it be that concerned parents showing up at school board meetings would have the full weight and power of the federal government brought against them as “domestic terrorists?” It is because the left does not want any disruption of their second branch of rule, academia.
The last branch of rule for the left is the media, need I expound upon this? How can it be that someone who had a lower approval rating than Joe Biden now is heralded as being a viable candidate for president? The leftist media has decided that it will run cover for one Kamala Harris and shield her from any scrutiny. They have colluded in suppressing any story that is not favorable to the progressive socialist left. They are willing co-conspirators—complicit accomplices—in driving a narrative that is replete with deception. The media refused to accept the mental decline of Joe Biden, which Kamala Harris hid until it was an inconvenient truth. The media did everything to hide and provide cover for the disaster that has become the border security situation in America until it was no longer hideable. The media has aided and abetted the violent and disturbing rhetoric that has contributed to not just one but two assassination attempts on the life of Donald Trump.
Simple, leftists are not concerned with governing; their aim is to rule, and the courts, academia, and the media are their tools of implementation. It is time that we speak with courage and conviction in defining the left, its goals, objectives, ends, and means. This is not a game, but it is indeed the ultimate ideological battle between liberty and tyranny.
Steadfast and Loyal.
This article originally appeared at
The Three Branches of Rule
Allen West
September 24, 2024
Last week, some of us took the time to remember that it was the 237th anniversary of our US Constitution, 17 September 1787. Sadly, I do not think most of this Country, this Republic was aware. The week prior, we had a presidential debate in the National Constitution Center and not a mention was made of the constitution. We heard about folks eating pets and boring rallies. I find it interesting, considering that an American president takes an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, our rule of law.
Constitutional conservatives revere the U.S. Constitution and see it as our rule of law. It is a document that is a limiting prescription for the federal government. The question is whether or not the progressive socialist, Marxist left sees the Constitution in the same way. The answer is quite apparent: they do not. The Constitution establishes three coequal branches of government, separation of powers, and delineates the enumerated duties and responsibilities of each branch. Leftists seek not to be bound when it comes to their quest for power, control, and domination.
Leftists embrace the three branches of rule.
The first branch of the left is the courts, and we see it reflected in their pursuit of this concept called “lawfare.” It is a desire to use the court system to not do as the Constitution prescribes—judicial review and interpretation of the law. For the left, courts are the place for judicial activism and the advancement of that which is not attainable through a legislative process. Leftists believe that courts can make law, meaning a failure to understand basic civics. Why else would leftists go apoplectic about packing the U.S. Supreme Court other than the fact that they want judicial control? If judicial decisions do not go the way leftists desire, then a court is deemed unlawful…let us not forget Chuck Schumer’s threats to Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
Why is it that New York Judge Merchan can go about manipulating rulings in his court and even taking a case where he should recuse himself? Why do leftists always call for conservative justices to recuse themselves but not leftist justices? Here in Texas, during the 2018 midterm election cycle, George Soros focused on wiping out conservative judges in Harris (Houston) and Dallas counties. The result, when combined with District Attorneys who do not prosecute criminal cases, has been a revolving door of violent criminals being released back onto our streets…ala Alvin Bragg.
Control of the courts by the left means the ability to implement their rule under the guise of justice, which they have reclassified as “social.”
The second branch of rule for leftists is academia, just take a look at the chaos and support for anti-Semitism and Islamic terrorism emanating from our campuses. Marxism has always sought to establish itself among the institutions of higher learning; now, it seeks to be extended into every level of academia. Teachers’ unions are more concerned about their political agenda instead of the education of our children and grandchildren. When you go onto an American campus, the lack of any equality of conscience, thought, or diverse perspective is highly alarming. To the point that many young people believe that censorship is warranted against those who do not surrender to leftist groupthink.
The mantra of leftism is that if one can control the minds of the young, they will control the future. Too often, we read about leftist indoctrination and what is the number one enemy of this—educational freedom. How could it be that concerned parents showing up at school board meetings would have the full weight and power of the federal government brought against them as “domestic terrorists?” It is because the left does not want any disruption of their second branch of rule, academia.
The last branch of rule for the left is the media, need I expound upon this? How can it be that someone who had a lower approval rating than Joe Biden now is heralded as being a viable candidate for president? The leftist media has decided that it will run cover for one Kamala Harris and shield her from any scrutiny. They have colluded in suppressing any story that is not favorable to the progressive socialist left. They are willing co-conspirators—complicit accomplices—in driving a narrative that is replete with deception. The media refused to accept the mental decline of Joe Biden, which Kamala Harris hid until it was an inconvenient truth. The media did everything to hide and provide cover for the disaster that has become the border security situation in America until it was no longer hideable. The media has aided and abetted the violent and disturbing rhetoric that has contributed to not just one but two assassination attempts on the life of Donald Trump.
Simple, leftists are not concerned with governing; their aim is to rule, and the courts, academia, and the media are their tools of implementation. It is time that we speak with courage and conviction in defining the left, its goals, objectives, ends, and means. This is not a game, but it is indeed the ultimate ideological battle between liberty and tyranny.
Steadfast and Loyal.
This article originally appeared at
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