This We’ll Defend
Allen West
June 21, 2022
Greetings, everyone! I pray you dads out there had a great weekend with your families. One of the problems that our America faces is the scourge of fatherlessness, which has countless consequences and ramifications. It is imperative that strong, positive, mentoring dads are there for America’s sons and daughters to honor, raise, and defend them.
Last week was the 247th birthday of the US Army, the service in which my very own dad served during World War II. At the age of 15, Dad challenged me to be the first officer in our family to serve in the military. Dad was a Corporal and my older brother was a Marine Corps Lance Corporal infantryman who served — and was wounded — in Vietnam. Dad wanted his middle son, me, to be a soldier, and so I was. And today, ol’ Corporal Herman “Buck” West, Sr. has a grandson, Herman Bernard West III, who is an Army Lieutenant Colonel.
The bond we all share is that we took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. As soldiers, our motto in the United States Army is, “This We’ll Defend.” It is truly amazing that there was an Army before there was an America. So, what was it that the Army declared it would defend? Simple, the fundamental principles of and values of individual rights, freedom, and liberty. We would defend this ideal against tyranny. Dads, and all Americans, now is a time for self-reflection where we must answer the question: what is it that we will defend?
We find ourselves in an America, our Constitutional Republic, where there are those who say our constitutional amendments are not absolute. Where there is a wholehearted effort not just to revise our history, but to eradicate it. Where there is an objective to divide and conquer us under the spell of cultural Marxism. Where our first unalienable right, life — for both unborn and born — is being violently threatened.
So, what will you defend?
It just takes a little courage, and I implore you to find your position on freedom’s rampart. One of the ways you can take a stand is to simply defend our electoral integrity. Recent news out of Georgia is very disconcerting, as well as here in Texas where a woman pleaded guilty to over 20 counts of voter fraud. America could use you and your courage to defend the ballot box, and prevent those who consider our constitutional rights to be “BS” from becoming elected officials.
Our Committee to Support and Defend website has all the information you need to answer this call to arms and become an election poll worker/watcher . . . to be an election Cavalry Scout.
As we say in the military, “All gave some, some gave all.” What will you give, since we all know freedom is not free? Further, we must educate our future generations to understand that “free does not equal freedom.” Yes, the men and women who serve our nation in uniform take an oath, and are willing to lay down their lives to honor that oath. It is an oath that does not have a statute of limitations.
However, every American can take that oath, in their heart, and live a life to support and defend. Then you can answer the question, “what were you willing to defend?”
Steadfast and Loyal.