Be All That You Can Be
Allen West
July 27, 2022
Greetings, everyone, from Ft. Jackson, SC, where I am attending the Army basic training graduation ceremony for my son-in-law, US Army PFC Jadaveon Durton. As I am here on this post, where young Americans are trained and transformed into soldiers, I have a real sense of pride. Yes, recent reports that the military is falling short of its recruitment and retention goals are true. However, there are still those men and women who embrace the old Army adage of “Be All That You Can Be.”
As well, last week the 101st reunion of the First Infantry Division, the famed Big Red One, was held in Ft. Worth, TX. Sadly, we lost one of our remaining World War II veterans, Ray Lambert, who served in North Africa, Sicily, and the D-Day landings at Omaha Beach in Normandy. It was the first time that the Division reunion did not have a World War II veteran in attendance. The majority of the Big Red One veterans are from the Vietnam era, and, as you know, those bubbas are up in age as well. I even got reunited with a dear friend with whom I served in my first two assignments, Chuck Burroughs. We had not seen each other in 30 years, he now resides in the Ft. Worth area.
The beauty of being here on Ft. Jackson and attending the First Infantry Division reunion is that there are still Americans serving this nation. There are still those honoring their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. For American soldiers, there are still those regarding the motto of the US Army, established June 14, 1775, “This We’ll Defend.” Yes, before there was an America, there was an Army, committed to defending the principles and values of a nation yet to be born.
It is not just having young men and women joining the Army, and the other armed services; we have veterans who are stepping up in other areas. One of those is in running for elected office, as record numbers of veterans have run for federal elected office in the last two cycles. But we also need our veterans to be the voice for those serving in uniform to eradicate the woke cultural Marxism and social engineering that is plaguing our military. We had Dr. Deborah Birx come out last week and admit that they knew the so-called COVID jab would not preclude one from being infected with the virus. So, it is time, veterans, that we speak out with stentorian voices and demand that the men and women separated from the military over refusal of the immoral, unethical, and unlawful vaccine mandate order be reinstated.
Here at the American Constitutional Rights Union, we are searching for veterans who are willing to step up and volunteer to be poll workers and watchers. We need guardians to safeguard the integrity of our electoral system. That is still part of supporting and defending. It is still honoring our commitment, our oath. It means that we are still saying, “This We’ll Defend.” Check out our Committee to Support and Defend website, and take your place, once again, on freedom’s rampart.
These young soldiers embolden me to fight even harder for those who carry forth the legacy, the lineage of those who support and defend the longest running Constitutional Republic the world has ever known.
Steadfast and Loyal.