Greetings everyone, perhaps you recognize the similarity of the title of this missive to a song by the rock group AC/DC, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. I chose this title based upon the delusional rant of one U.S. Representative Al Green, sadly, from the Lone Star State of Texas. It did not take long, just two weeks, for the deranged progressive socialists to start decrying the impeachment of the 47th President of these United States of America, Donald J. Trump.
However, when you watch the apoplectic meltdown of Rep. Green, along with others, Green invokes “dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds” as a basis for bringing forth articles of impeachment against President Trump. Hmm, I referred to the U.S. Constitution to ascertain where it lists “dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds” as an impeachable offense. Needless to say, my search came up empty. You would think that a Member of Congress, which I once was, would be well versed in constitutional issues, especially since they supposedly take an oath to support and defend our rule of law.
Well, perhaps that oath does not apply to leftists aka the party of the jackass, the Democrats. And boy, are they ever living up to their party symbol. It was Albert Einstein who coined the maxim, “the pure definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing and expect different results”. So, here we go again, down the yellow brick leftist road to Oz to see the Wizard of Impeachment.
Now, we all know that the Constitution is quite clear stating in Article II, Section 4, “The President, Vice President, and all other civil Officers of the United States (federal government), shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”, specified as justification of impeachment. Unfortunately, progressive socialists view impeachment as a measure to correct when they do not get their way. As Barack Hussein Obama once quipped, “elections have consequences”, but leftists cannot fathom losing, not just losing, but getting drubbed in the November 2024 election cycle.
Article II of the Constitution prescribes the enumerated powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Executive Branch and further details, “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America”. First, the use of “the United States of America” relates to the federal government. So, the interpretation here is that the President of the United States of America is the Chief Executive of the Executive Branch. So, in other words, everyone in the employment of the federal government works for the CEO of the federal government. Perhaps that is too hard for leftists to comprehend, since they have no concept of private sector employer/employee relationships.
Therefore, it is the constitutional role, and responsibility, of the Chief Executive of the federal government to ensure the constitutional governance of this Nation. That means the effectiveness and efficiency of the federal government and its alignment with Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which enumerates the (18) powers, duties, and responsibilities of the federal government. And, the President, as Chief Executive Officer of the federal government, can indeed hire an individual to ensure that compliance. In the corporate world that person is called a consultant. Leftists would understand this better, as Obama appointed countless “Czars and Czarinas” to do his unconstitutional bidding.
The unhinged meltdown that we are witnessing from the left is because the temples of their false god of government are being dismantled—rightly so. As well, in a place like Washington DC, where Kamala Harris enjoyed 96% voting electorate support, it has become a leftist self-licking ice cream cone. Some of us refer to it as the bureaucratic administrative state, and it is being revealed, and its fraud, waste, and abuse is being exposed.
Now, that has the progressive socialist left angry. How dare Donald Trump and Elon Musk do the dastardly deed of tearing down big government? Hmm, I remember when a Democrat president at a State of the Union address remarked that “the era of big government is over.” That was Bill Clinton, and it was after he got his butt handed to him in his first midterm election in 1994.
But the left today is not going to pivot, they are just going to rant and evidence why their party symbol is an annoying beast of burden.
Now, let’s be honest, if you want to talk about dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds, where was Al Green when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris enacted executive orders that undermined our national sovereignty and opened our borders? Where were Al Green and the Democrats when over 250,000 Americans were dying because of fentanyl poisoning? Where were the Democrats when Biden was relieving college student loan debt?
Now, these are just a few examples, but they are all egregious, and recognized, violations of the U.S. Constitution…but that is ok to the leftists. Heck, they do not like America nor our rule of law, it is an obstacle to their dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds. Me? I think it is treasonous to openly allow violent criminals and terrorists sanctuary and entry into our Nation. The left did not think so. I think it is treasonous to undermine our energy independence, and then beg our foes for their oil resources. I think it is treasonous to support and allow a designated Islamic terrorist organization to operate within our Nation.
Those are some doggone dastardly deeds.
I am enjoying watching the left cry—they deserve it. I pray that the Republicans do not snatch defeat from the laws of victory, as they are known to do. We are at a moment in America where the progressive socialist left could be cast into political exile. It is obvious that Al Green believes that an organization that spends American taxpayer dollars on LGBTQ+ comic books for a foreign country is just fine. I do not. And I think federal government workers should show up for work, it is obvious leftists think not. I also find it interesting that government union leaders are threatening employees to not take the buyout offered, they don’t want to lose power and influence.
The progressive socialist left are the ones guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors against our Constitutional Republic. And their proposals and deeds are not just dastardly, they are destructive, and when you consider child gender mutilation, demonic.
Press on President Trump and Elon Musk, you are doing what the American people elected you to do…there are consequences for leftists and what they sought to do to our beloved America.
Steadfast and Loyal.
This article originally appeared at
Dastardly Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Allen West
February 11, 2025
Greetings everyone, perhaps you recognize the similarity of the title of this missive to a song by the rock group AC/DC, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. I chose this title based upon the delusional rant of one U.S. Representative Al Green, sadly, from the Lone Star State of Texas. It did not take long, just two weeks, for the deranged progressive socialists to start decrying the impeachment of the 47th President of these United States of America, Donald J. Trump.
However, when you watch the apoplectic meltdown of Rep. Green, along with others, Green invokes “dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds” as a basis for bringing forth articles of impeachment against President Trump. Hmm, I referred to the U.S. Constitution to ascertain where it lists “dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds” as an impeachable offense. Needless to say, my search came up empty. You would think that a Member of Congress, which I once was, would be well versed in constitutional issues, especially since they supposedly take an oath to support and defend our rule of law.
Well, perhaps that oath does not apply to leftists aka the party of the jackass, the Democrats. And boy, are they ever living up to their party symbol. It was Albert Einstein who coined the maxim, “the pure definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing and expect different results”. So, here we go again, down the yellow brick leftist road to Oz to see the Wizard of Impeachment.
Now, we all know that the Constitution is quite clear stating in Article II, Section 4, “The President, Vice President, and all other civil Officers of the United States (federal government), shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”, specified as justification of impeachment. Unfortunately, progressive socialists view impeachment as a measure to correct when they do not get their way. As Barack Hussein Obama once quipped, “elections have consequences”, but leftists cannot fathom losing, not just losing, but getting drubbed in the November 2024 election cycle.
Article II of the Constitution prescribes the enumerated powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Executive Branch and further details, “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America”. First, the use of “the United States of America” relates to the federal government. So, the interpretation here is that the President of the United States of America is the Chief Executive of the Executive Branch. So, in other words, everyone in the employment of the federal government works for the CEO of the federal government. Perhaps that is too hard for leftists to comprehend, since they have no concept of private sector employer/employee relationships.
Therefore, it is the constitutional role, and responsibility, of the Chief Executive of the federal government to ensure the constitutional governance of this Nation. That means the effectiveness and efficiency of the federal government and its alignment with Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which enumerates the (18) powers, duties, and responsibilities of the federal government. And, the President, as Chief Executive Officer of the federal government, can indeed hire an individual to ensure that compliance. In the corporate world that person is called a consultant. Leftists would understand this better, as Obama appointed countless “Czars and Czarinas” to do his unconstitutional bidding.
The unhinged meltdown that we are witnessing from the left is because the temples of their false god of government are being dismantled—rightly so. As well, in a place like Washington DC, where Kamala Harris enjoyed 96% voting electorate support, it has become a leftist self-licking ice cream cone. Some of us refer to it as the bureaucratic administrative state, and it is being revealed, and its fraud, waste, and abuse is being exposed.
Now, that has the progressive socialist left angry. How dare Donald Trump and Elon Musk do the dastardly deed of tearing down big government? Hmm, I remember when a Democrat president at a State of the Union address remarked that “the era of big government is over.” That was Bill Clinton, and it was after he got his butt handed to him in his first midterm election in 1994.
But the left today is not going to pivot, they are just going to rant and evidence why their party symbol is an annoying beast of burden.
Now, let’s be honest, if you want to talk about dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds, where was Al Green when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris enacted executive orders that undermined our national sovereignty and opened our borders? Where were Al Green and the Democrats when over 250,000 Americans were dying because of fentanyl poisoning? Where were the Democrats when Biden was relieving college student loan debt?
Now, these are just a few examples, but they are all egregious, and recognized, violations of the U.S. Constitution…but that is ok to the leftists. Heck, they do not like America nor our rule of law, it is an obstacle to their dastardly proposals and dastardly deeds. Me? I think it is treasonous to openly allow violent criminals and terrorists sanctuary and entry into our Nation. The left did not think so. I think it is treasonous to undermine our energy independence, and then beg our foes for their oil resources. I think it is treasonous to support and allow a designated Islamic terrorist organization to operate within our Nation.
Those are some doggone dastardly deeds.
I am enjoying watching the left cry—they deserve it. I pray that the Republicans do not snatch defeat from the laws of victory, as they are known to do. We are at a moment in America where the progressive socialist left could be cast into political exile. It is obvious that Al Green believes that an organization that spends American taxpayer dollars on LGBTQ+ comic books for a foreign country is just fine. I do not. And I think federal government workers should show up for work, it is obvious leftists think not. I also find it interesting that government union leaders are threatening employees to not take the buyout offered, they don’t want to lose power and influence.
The progressive socialist left are the ones guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors against our Constitutional Republic. And their proposals and deeds are not just dastardly, they are destructive, and when you consider child gender mutilation, demonic.
Press on President Trump and Elon Musk, you are doing what the American people elected you to do…there are consequences for leftists and what they sought to do to our beloved America.
Steadfast and Loyal.
This article originally appeared at
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