The Anti-Constitution Party
There is only one way to describe the progressive socialist left: it has devolved into the anti-constitution party.
There is only one way to describe the progressive socialist left: it has devolved into the anti-constitution party.
Over the centuries, it has been the Democrats who have brought forth the policies of secession, slavery, segregation, and socialism . . . the dreaded Four Ss of the leftist apocalypse.
We are being utterly distracted by the modern-day bread and circuses all the while our constitutional rights are being undermined.
Constitutional conservatives believe in individual rights and freedoms as enshrined in our Constitution, such as free speech and freedom of expression.
Our Founding Fathers created the Second Amendment in the US Constitution as the obstacle to tyranny.
We need a House GOP that will be strong, principled, and resolute in holding violators constitutionally accountable.
Instead of the usual political punditry, I wanted to share my reflections from up here what we Tennessee graduates fondly refer to as "Rocky Top."
AMAC, its AMAC Action advocacy team, and the AMAC Foundation have joined forces with The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) to ensure that elderly voters are heard and protected. ACRU is the nation’s leading advocate for the protection of vulnerable voters.
I do not think it is wrong to say the 2022 midterm election in Maricopa County, Arizona must be redone . . . in golf it is called a Mulligan. #MulliganInMaricopa
America cannot afford a “deja vu all over again” scenario in which enables the progressive socialist left to ever have the levers of power in Washington, DC.