What a Difference 80 Years Makes
It is time for a renaissance of the American Man, like those who braved the beaches of Omaha and Utah, scaled the cliffs of Pont du Hoc, and dropped in the middle of the night from aircraft...80 years ago.
It is time for a renaissance of the American Man, like those who braved the beaches of Omaha and Utah, scaled the cliffs of Pont du Hoc, and dropped in the middle of the night from aircraft...80 years ago.
If the acolytes of the new American Pravda have their way, they will truly fundamentally transform our America.
Kamala Harris, the case against you is strong, and we shall commit ourselves to prosecuting it judiciously. And this prosecution shall not ever rest.
Think constitutionally about the preeminent duties of an American president. And who do you want not just answering the phone call but sitting in that room with the most dangerous people in the world?
The great advantage that the GOP has in this election cycle is a Democrat party that is portraying the Abbott and Costello “Who's on First” skit.
If we are to Live Free in these United States of America, a Constitutional Republic, then we had best not enable leftists to be in a position of power. History has taught us what leftism/Marxism is all about, and as King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, there is truly nothing new under the sun.
I once heard a saying, “In the land of the blind, the Cyclops is considered a person of great vision.” We have been lied to and deceived for the past three and a half years by the blind who elevated a cyclops to a position of leadership and power.
I do have several concerns about totally abdicating the issue of dismembering unborn babies in the womb to the States. I do not want to see the GOP basically sanctioning safe havens for infanticide.
The Founding Fathers were simple, intellectual, and principled Men who left us a full wagon of individual rights, freedoms, and liberty that has quietly traveled down many paths and roads over the past 248 years. An empty wagon is easy to tip over, and there are enemies at and within the gates of liberty seeking that end.
Greetings, everyone and a very Happy 248th American Independence Day. Let us endeavor to understand the real foundational meaning of July 4, 1776.