Join Colonel West as he explores current events in the pure and unvarnished context of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The Role of Federal Government
It is time that each side just selected a moderator, secured a venue, no audience, and conducted a real and true debate. Can you imagine someone like Mark Levin being a presidential debate moderator? And let the left pick, uh, Rachel Maddow?
The Road We Should Not Travel
If we want to Live Free, how about let's stay off the Road to Serfdom—the Road to Servitude—and remember... "The Road to hell is paved with good intentions."
The Delusional and Dangerous Hypocrisy
In his inaugural address, Joe Biden gave what leftists wanted us to believe was a speech on unity. Anyone paying attention to the words and tone realized that it was a speech about conformity.
The Biggest Loser in Tuesday Night’s Presidential Debate
I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States — no statute of limitations. I take that oath seriously and wish that those who have taken it and seek to take it as president would do the same.
Don’t talk to Terrorists
Why do we talk with terrorists and take the insidious position of placing them on our level?
Freedom of Accepted Speech
You cannot Live Free if you are disarmed and silenced. You cannot Live Free if you are restricted in your thoughts, perspectives, and ideas...and the open sharing thereof.
The Constitution Drinking Game
The Constitution empowers you as a Citizen. Here is the reason why...
The Leftist Definition of Liberty
The question going into this election cycle, and all going forward, because progressive socialist leftists ain't going, is simple...what is YOUR definition of liberty? Will you be a sheep, a Shepherd, a Guard Dog...or a wolf? Are YOU willing to make a stand against the perverted leftist definition of liberty...which is tyranny?
This ruling from the Minnesota Supreme Court conveys the belief that even when a law abiding citizen, person, is actively being attacked, and at risk of death, they cannot defend themselves and brandish a deadly weapon if it is "reasonably possible to retreat".
Freedom of the Press?
If the acolytes of the new American Pravda have their way, they will truly fundamentally transform our America.