Join Colonel West as he explores current events in the pure and unvarnished context of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The Preeminent Constitutional Duty of an American President
Think constitutionally about the preeminent duties of an American president. And who do you want not just answering the phone call but sitting in that room with the most dangerous people in the world?
Rule of Law… Or Just Rule?
If we are to Live Free in these United States of America, a Constitutional Republic, then we had best not enable leftists to be in a position of power. History has taught us what leftism/Marxism is all about, and as King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, there is truly nothing new under the sun.
The Industry of Abortion: An Assault on the Right to Life
I do have several concerns about totally abdicating the issue of dismembering unborn babies in the womb to the States. I do not want to see the GOP basically sanctioning safe havens for infanticide.
A New Birth of Freedom
Greetings, everyone and a very Happy 248th American Independence Day. Let us endeavor to understand the real foundational meaning of July 4, 1776.
The State Religion of the Progressive Socialist Left
The left does not care about the rule of law, and certainly not God's Judeo-Chrisitan faith heritage, Creator, law. As Marxists, they believe that religion, as ol' Karl stated, is the opiate of the masses.
A Post-Constitutional America
We have a person sitting in the Oval Office who knows that he does not have the enumerated constitutional power to do certain things, yet does them anyways. And there are no consequences.
The Rule of Law
The rule of law exists for a reason: to maintain law and order and to be blind in holding everyone accountable. What is supposed to be a legal system is now a political and weaponized system.
Earn This
These two words, "Earn This," should resonate with us all, not just on Memorial Day but every day.
The Camel’s Nose
Here we are now, in our Nation, having debate and arguing about individuals illegally in our Republic being able to vote in our elections. it's time to tell our elected officials America is for citizens (born and naturalized), legal immigrants, and tourists.
No Sera’ Infringido
With the backing of the UN and the approval of the Biden administration, Mexico has filed a court case that could impose the UN small arms treaty, clearing the way for foreign nations to sue and dictate firearms policy in our Constitutional Republic.