Join Colonel West as he explores current events in the pure and unvarnished context of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
A Post-Constitutional America
We have a person sitting in the Oval Office who knows that he does not have the enumerated constitutional power to do certain things, yet does them anyways. And there are no consequences.
The Rule of Law
The rule of law exists for a reason: to maintain law and order and to be blind in holding everyone accountable. What is supposed to be a legal system is now a political and weaponized system.
Earn This
These two words, "Earn This," should resonate with us all, not just on Memorial Day but every day.
The Camel’s Nose
Here we are now, in our Nation, having debate and arguing about individuals illegally in our Republic being able to vote in our elections. it's time to tell our elected officials America is for citizens (born and naturalized), legal immigrants, and tourists.
No Sera’ Infringido
With the backing of the UN and the approval of the Biden administration, Mexico has filed a court case that could impose the UN small arms treaty, clearing the way for foreign nations to sue and dictate firearms policy in our Constitutional Republic.
It’s Getting Seriously Stupid
It is getting seriously stupid when we are allowing Islamic terrorist supporters to chant "Death to America," burn our American flag, and deface our Memorials.
In just 80 years, we have gone from young American men and women who did what was necessary to combat evil to a generation that embraces evil and demands that we tolerate and reward it.
The Left’s Protected Classes
There is something happening in our Constitutional Republic that perhaps some of you notice. Look at what is happening on college and university campuses at this time. How? Why?
The Leftist Definition of Free Speech and Expression
It is no longer debatable that the progressive socialist leftists, Marxists, in America no longer believe we have a First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression. I would also add that they are redefining the right to peaceably assemble and petition our government for redress of grievances.
The First Unalienable Right — Life
Let's all lift this Nation up in prayer that it will produce leaders who do not operate in the realm of fear but stand upon that which is right, moral, and just. No one can convince me that a policy of dismembering babies in the womb is any of those. Our Constitutional Republic will not reach its full potential and strength if we do not embrace our first unalienable right, Life, for the unborn and born.