Saving our Constitutional Republic hinges on one thing: patriotic Americans getting involved in the election process.
Here you can find important election deadlines from your state and learn how to become involved with either working the polls or serving as a poll watcher. Free and fair elections are the bedrock of our freedom, so don’t let the 2022 elections pass you by.
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania
Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Become a Poll Worker
The past 24 months have shown that vote fraud is real. We’ve also learned that many polling locations in the U.S. struggle to process and count military votes correctly. The Committee to Support and Defend believes that veterans, military spouses and dedicated patriots are the best equipped to fight vote fraud and protect military votes!
You can help by agreeing to take one day this year – Election Day – and serve as a poll worker. In most jurisdictions, you will be paid for your time, but most importantly, you will fill a vital role as a protector of our nation’s election system.
- As a poll worker, you’ll be the face of the election to voters in your area. You’ll help set up polling locations, ensure quick and easy access to voting, answer questions about the voting process, instruct voters how to use voting equipment, verify voting registrations, issue ballots, and more.
- You will be the eyes and ears in your polling location and can ensure that military votes are properly counted and tabulated.
- While policies vary by state, poll workers are usually paid positions. Many states will pay you to complete pre-election training and for service on and around election day itself.
- Eligibility requirements vary by state. For example:
- You may or may not need to be a registered voter.
- Your state may have specific age requirements.
- You may need to be a resident of the state where you wish to serve.
- Political party affiliation may or may not be required depending on your state.
You will be employed by your local election jurisdiction – and they are most likely finalizing poll worker applications and training as you read this page. If you have questions you’d like answered, please email us for more information.
Please take a moment RIGHT NOW to use the map above to find poll worker registration information for your state. By the time elections come around, it will be too late for us to make a difference.

Get Connected
The Committee to Support and Defend is dedicated to protecting America’s Constitution. As such, we often have paid and volunteer opportunities for veterans, military spouses and dedicated patriots. We also send out important informational updates regarding issues pertaining to U.S. servicemembers and veterans as well as emerging threats to our Constitution. Please fill out the form here so you can be informed about different ways you can support and defend our U.S. military – including their right to vote – and our Constitution as a whole. We will not share this information.