Freedom of Religion and Free Exercise Thereof
Never again should we have American politicians rewriting the Christmas story.
Never again should we have American politicians rewriting the Christmas story.
For the progressive socialist left, Israel and its survival are less important than the 2024 election.
LTC West welcomes Brandon Showalter, journalist with the Christian Post to discuss the assault on parental rights. Activists are fighting hard for “rights” for children to have abortions, undergo permanent medical procedures under the umbrella of gender dysphoria, and more—all without parental knowledge, much less consent. Is the government claiming responsibility for raising your children? What about the medical establishment? Is the “first, do no harm” pillar of medical ethics a thing of the past?
We must put a focus on these local levels of governance in order to have a voice and a seat at the table.
By their very nature, progressive socialists, Marxists, leftists, and communists are the real dictators. Democrats are the real dictators.
The Army-Navy game may not produce the college football national championship team. It just produces young men who will be our champions on battlefields across the globe.
I think the element former President Trump needs to acquire is a sense of self-discipline.
If this is the way the progressive socialist leftists are going to treat members of our military, who would want to serve?
Why would anyone trust Hamas or any Islamic terrorist organization? History tells us why we should not.
The US military is asking troops that they wrongfully discharged to, well, please come back. The Biden administration is calling a "mulligan" and asking these discharged troops to return.