Press Release: Hey Leftists! Hands Off Our Kids!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 21, 2023 CONTACT: Tracey Miller, 202-660-1628, [...]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 21, 2023 CONTACT: Tracey Miller, 202-660-1628, [...]
“My ideological mentor, Booker T. Washington, embraced a philosophy of economic empowerment through education, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance, regardless of the circumstances facing Blacks. Indeed, that is the message of individual empowerment that reflects the ideal of America being a land of opportunity. It is not an “exception” it is a fundamental principle of this country, and this is why so many seek our shores,” states ACRU Executive Director Allen West in his most recent TownHall OpEd.
Naples, FL — “If you do not want to murder unborn babies by dismemberment you deserve to be investigated by the FBI, have your church vandalized, or have your pro-life advocacy center firebombed … but you do want to murder babies in the womb right up to and after birth, well, that ain't radical, that is just perfectly fine on the leftist planet of Htrae, known as Bizarro World,” observes ACRU Executive Director Allen West in his most recent TownHall OpEd.
Conservative leaders nationwide reviewing that material are now circulating a memo of their own showcasing the highlights of that “Dear Colleague” congressional memo, gathering signatures from policy and opinion leaders nationwide to reinforce the GOP’s confidence in both chambers that the majority of Americans stand with them on these demands for fiscal sanity, with a final memo to be released late Wednesday.
Last week, the United States of America officially entered into a state of being overrun. That is especially the case here in my home state of Texas. The videos and true, factual reports, not those of the partisan, propagandized media, show the mass flood of humanity illegally entering our country,” observes ACRU Executive Director Allen West in his most recent TownHall OpEd.
Oklahoma State Treasurer Todd Russ is planning to announce the sweeping measure Wednesday morning which represents one of the most aggressive actions any state has taken against banks pursuing so called environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives. The move ultimately blocks the banks from managing billions of dollars in Oklahoma pensions, investments and other state entities.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” So said Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero. In his most recent TownHall OpEd, ACRU Executive Director Allen West highlights the unconstitutional and, treasonous, actions undermining the sovereignty of our Constitutional Republic.
Parenthood. What causes liberal elites to despise this institution? So, what is it about parenthood that brings up such vitriolic reactions these days? Parenthood is more than the ability to bring children into this world. Indeed, it is the ability of an adult to take joy in the responsibilities that come with educating, rearing, and taking care of one’s children.
Zurich Insurance Group, along with Hannover Re and Munich Re, recently backed out of the Net Zero Insurance Alliance. Munich Re cited what it called the “material” legal risks it would face if it remained. All three said they’ll still pursue net zero goals, just not in coordination with an alliance.
In an April 27, 2023, decision, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals reversed almost all of a district court ruling that declared Florida election laws regulating ballot drop boxes, the solicitation of voters at the polls, and the delivery of voter registration forms by third-party voter-registration organizations to be unconstitutional and unlawful. The court rejected the district court’s conclusion that the provisions were motivated by intentional discrimination on the basis of race. It explained, “From the start, the district court erred.” In particular, it criticized the district court for conflating race and political considerations. The court pointed to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, where the Supreme Court said, “[P]artisan motives are not the same as racial motives.”