ACRU Commentary

Allen West: No More Tolerating the Intolerant

When tolerance becomes a one way street, it leads to cultural suicide -- Col. Allen West I have shared the aforementioned quote often, mainly when addressing the scourge of Islamic jihadism and terrorism in the West. However, there is a clear and present reason to apply this same quote to present day America and the scourge of progressive socialism.

By |2022-05-10T09:26:38-04:00May 10, 2022|ACRU Commentary, OPED|

Hans von Spakovsky: YouTube Censors Strike Again for No Good Reason, Then Do About-Face

YouTube’s censors have struck again, removing a podcast discussing election integrity that it claims violates its “misinformation policy.”The podcast, hosted by Jacob Kersey, was an interview of me at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, in February 2021 and had been on YouTube for more than a year before it was suddenly taken down.YouTube never responded to Kersey’s appeal of the ban, but a day after Douglas Blair wrote about the censorship in The Daily Signal, the video suddenly reappeared on the website. Kersey says he received no explanation from YouTube for its actions.

By |2022-05-07T10:26:41-04:00May 7, 2022|ACRU Commentary, First Amendment, OPED|

Allen West: A Bridge Too Far, the Demise of the Democrats

If you are a student of history, you will recognize the title of this missive. If you are not, let me explain. After the successful landings in Normandy the Allies began pushing through the hedgerows and set their sights on crossings into Germany. One of the plans, offered by British General Montgomery, was to spearhead a combined airborne and ground assault through the Netherlands and cross the Rhine River into northern Germany. The operation was to be called Market (Airborne) Garden (Ground). It was to be the largest airborne operation ever known and it pulled together US and British Airborne forces who were to seize critical bridges along a singular route enabling the British Armored XXX Corps to push through.

By |2022-05-05T20:42:53-04:00May 5, 2022|ACRU Commentary, First Amendment, OPED|

Allen West: The Maniacal Mask Crisis Tyrants

Chances are if you say the word "Florida" to a progressive socialist leftist they will go into a frothing apoplectic rage. Now, I live in Texas and I wish that saying "Texas" would do the same, but perhaps that is the topic of another missive. Under the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis, the State of Florida has truly become a thorn in the side of leftists. How dare anyone stand up to the left's agenda, and not capitulate to some doggone woke corporate fascist oligarch, like a Disney.

By |2022-04-26T12:07:56-04:00April 26, 2022|ACRU Commentary, OPED|

Allen West: To Support and Defend…

I pray everyone had a truly blessed Resurrection weekend; that is what this past weekend was about. It was about one person, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, laying down His life for us to have eternal life. Last week I was honored to narrate Haydn's string quartet, The Last Seven Words of Christ on the Cross. It was humbling to read and explain the meaning of Christ's final words spoken from the cross.As well, this weekend allowed me to reflect back on some other words, four of which are the title of this missive. They are words that some men and women have vowed over the years in America. They are the words that have committed these Americans to sacrifice and perhaps make the last full measure of devotion—to give their lives--so that others can have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

By |2022-04-19T14:02:16-04:00April 19, 2022|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED|

Race and American Exceptionalism

This past Thursday evening at the University of Buffalo (UB) I was invited by the Young America's Foundation Chapter at UB to deliver a presentation on “Race and American Exceptionalism.”  Before I even arrived, the nature of my visit was made controversial when students on the campus ripped down flyers and even conducted a campus walking protest. Therefore, I knew this would be quite the hostile environment. The question I have is, why?

By |2022-04-11T17:25:48-04:00April 11, 2022|ACRU Commentary, First Amendment, OPED|

Allen West: The Left — Conform or Else

Recall the theme of Joe Biden's presidential address, "Unity”. Well, that was a bunch of bovine excrement, as we would say here in Texas. The real theme of Biden's speech, and the mantra of the progressive socialist left is "conformity". And if you actually paid attention to Biden's address you would have surmised the consequences and ramifications of non-conformity. Simply stated, you will be disparaged, denigrated, demeaned, arrested, targeted, and unconstitutionally detained.

By |2022-04-11T19:43:36-04:00April 6, 2022|ACRU Commentary, OPED|

ACRU’s Allen West: Just Say No!

So, how did we find ourselves in such a grave situation in America that we have avowed socialists as representatives at various levels of government? The answer is simple, we never said “no.”We are living in a time in America where a certain group of individuals are turning their ideology into policy. And most of this is occurring through the use of edicts, orders, mandates, and decrees. None of which are constitutional, because in a Republic we are to be governed by the rule of law. Instead, we are being ruled as subjects.Since we have failed to say "no", we are on the precipice of losing constitutional governance in America...some would say we already have. I am not one of those.

By |2022-03-26T16:37:56-04:00March 22, 2022|ACRU Commentary, OPED|

AFPI Statement: Dr. Alveda King & Ambassador Ken Blackwell on Biden-Harris Speech Regarding the Freedom to Cheat Act

President Biden’s and Vice President Harris’s speech in Atlanta today was an insult to all Americans, especially those in the African American community. We were deeply involved in the wars that started and ended the Civil Rights movement in this country. The President and Vice President’s misguided insistence on the ignorant, false claim that America is somehow stuck in the 1960s is disgusting, dangerous, and an affront to all the sacrifices and great successes this country’s brave Civil Rights pioneers made.

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