ACRU Commentary

Ohio’s Issue 1 is About More Than Abortion

Ohio’s Issue 1 referendum is a contentious proposal that will undoubtedly impact the future of abortion policy within Ohio for the foreseeable future. So far, groups from within and outside the state have dumped more than $40 million into debating the so-called abortion rights amendment. However, some major policies outside the realm of the abortion debate will be impacted if voters write the language of the Issue 1 referendum into the Ohio State Constitution.

By |2023-11-03T09:57:46-04:00November 3, 2023|ACRU Commentary, OPED|

Automatic Voter Registration Opens Door to Voter Fraud

Automatic voter registration is currently used in 23 states and the District of Columbia. Supporters say it simplifies the registration process and removes barriers to voting, but this is verifiably untrue, and there are many failures of automatic voter registration that make it a deeply flawed system.

Roman: Trucks Are For Girls

The curly-haired five-year-old was in trouble again. The year was 1967, and her kindergarten teacher had sent her to sit in the corner for the third time that week. The same crime was committed almost every day during recess. The little girl acted a lot like a little boy. The teacher requested that Mom stop the “inappropriate behavior,” but the mother insisted on a compromise: she would have her daughter wear shorts under her dress each day. That teacher was wrong. But not as wrong as a progressive 2023 teacher who would insist that such a little girl is actually a little boy trapped in a little girl’s body. 

By |2023-10-12T14:01:48-04:00October 12, 2023|ACRU Commentary, OPED|

The Latest Election Scam: Ranked-Choice Voting

Have you ever wondered what happened in Alaska during the 2022 midterm election? How is it that a congressional district that had long been held by Republicans since 1971 was suddenly and inexplicably won by a Democrat? How is it that of the last three candidates standing — showcasing two Republican candidates and only one Democrat candidate — neither Republican candidate won that race?This phenomenon in Alaska can be explained by ranked-choice voting.

Von Spakovsky: Liberal Hypocrites Are Destroying Women’s Sports

It’s becoming harder and harder for high school and college girls to compete against other females without intrusion by transgender-identified males. To see just how far we have fallen in refusing to recognize the fundamental injustice of allowing these males to compete against biological females, consider some historic scandals in the Olympic Games.

By |2023-10-12T13:35:15-04:00October 12, 2023|ACRU Commentary, OPED|

Doctors Should Not Threaten the Lives of Children

In 2021, Yulia Hicks – a young girl from Ukraine – was adopted by Lee and Chrissy Hicks. Keenly aware their daughter had a rare kidney condition – Senior Loken Syndrome – which would eventually require a transplant, they opened their hearts and their home to her. Yulia spent almost two years under the daily kidney dialysis care of Duke University Medical Center. But Duke University Medical Center and Dr. Eileen Chambers denied Yulia’s access to a kidney transplant, based solely on her parents’ decision not to give her the COVID vaccine.

By |2023-10-11T18:54:42-04:00October 11, 2023|ACRU Commentary, Crisis Tyrants, OPED|
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