Vote Fraud

Foreign Interference? How Non-Citizens Are Voting in American Elections

This month marks the 30th anniversary of President Bill Clinton signing the National Voter Registration Act into law. You probably know the law as "Motor Voter." It is the federal requirement that requires state motor vehicle offices to offer voter registration and the ability to update your address. Sounds convenient? Now, we have data showing one of the side effects of Motor Voter is to put non-citizens onto American voter rolls.

Von Spakovsky: Election Fraud Database Tops 1,400 Cases

The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database now includes 1,412 proven instances of election fraud, and our legal center is monitoring many other ongoing prosecutions. The database, which provides a sampling of recent election fraud cases, demonstrates the vulnerabilities within the electoral process and the need for reforms to secure free and fair elections for the American people.

By |2023-03-05T14:12:57-05:00February 7, 2023|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED, Vote Fraud|

Developing: Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Team Member Comes Forward with Damaging Evidence from 2020 Presidential Election

In a rare show of courage, conviction and commitment, a Team Member from the 2020 Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Investigation, came forward this week and is naming names and releasing details involving the election fraud that clearly affected the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin.

By |2023-03-05T14:13:00-05:00January 13, 2023|Elections, News, Vote Fraud|
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