Join Colonel West as he explores current events in the pure and unvarnished context of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Lawlessness and Mobocracy
Progressive socialists, leftists, fascists, Marxists, and communists always employ and deploy an organized mob to do their bidding.
Restoring the Constitutional Relationship
America is not a democracy, it is a Constitutional Republic. Sadly, we must keep hammering that point home.
The ‘Pandemic is Over,’ But, No One Told the Military
The Biden administration is canceling benefits for military families rejecting mandatory COVID vaccines, but not illegal immigrant benefits.
“A Republic, If YOU Can Keep It”
Our Constitution is a restraining document on the powers of the federal government, not a free-for-all.
Happy Constitution Day
This Saturday is the 235th anniversary of the signing of our United States Constitution, September 17, 1787.
The Real Extremists
Let's us not grow fearful or weary in this time. I say constitutional conservatives should be encouraged, emboldened as the lines have been clearly drawn.
The Real Threat to Democracy
The two foundations of our Constitutional Republic are the rule of law -- the constitution itself -- and the regard for individual rights, freedoms, and liberties.
Constitutional Rights v. Ideological Rights
The left has embraced a concept of government-guaranteed attainment of happiness and decides, based upon their ideology, what that happiness is.
Needed: Resolute American Patriots
The battle lines have been drawn. There is an ideological Civil War that has happened here in the United States of America.
They Serve Us . . . Who Will Protect Them?
ACRU believes that we must protect those who serve us, and we need your voices to amplify that message.