Join Colonel West as he explores current events in the pure and unvarnished context of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Honor Memorial Day
A discussion of sacrifice, remembrance, and why we should say "Honor Memorial Day" instead of "Happy Memorial Day."
Politicizing Tragedy: The Bent of the Left
What happened in Buffalo was horrendous. But the politicized exploitation and hypocrisy of the left is just as horrible.
The ideological agenda of the progressive socialist left supports killing American babies in the womb and killing Americans via drug overdoses. If we do not restore our regard for the rule of law, our Constitution, our future is in question.
Battle Lines Drawn: Leftists Employ ‘Any Means Necessary’ Strategy
This last week has confirmed what history has taught the world about progressives, socialists, Marxists, statists, and communists. They can only advance their ideology and goals by way of creating fear, intimidation, coercion, threats, and ultimately, violence. That lesson is being evidenced here in America to the detriment of one of our cherished constitutional rights and institutions of our Republic.
The Left’s Meltdown Over Elon Musk Buying Twitter
Okay, it is now two weeks in a row that the progressive socialist left has been in an apoplectic meltdown. Last week it was all about a federal judge in Florida saying what everyone knew to be true: the CDC doesn't have authority to mandate anything to the American people. This week, the left is going nuts because one Elon Musk, a private entrepreneur, has purchased Twitter. Heavens to mergatroids, the world is coming to an end. Yes, the empty threats of getting off Twitter and moving to Canada pervade, neither of which will happen. Leftists did not care about Musk starting Tesla, and the government subsidies that come with buying electric vehicles. Leftists did not care when Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post, where truth does tend to die in their darkness. Leftists had no problem with Michael Bloomberg -- what political persuasion is he today? -- bought an entire news media platform. Leftists have no issue with Mark Zuckerberg owning Facebook/Meta, whatever, and using his war chest to give Zuckerbucks to selected County elections offices, like Harris County in Texas. So what has the left in such a tizzy?
Taxation: Weapon of Mass Destruction, Perversion of the Law and Tool of Forced Equality
Greetings everyone, well, it has come and gone, another tax day is under our belts. I found it very interesting that during the Obama administration ol' Barry Soetoro started referring to government spending as "investments." Ya gotta give it to the leftists, they are master manipulators of language. But the use of the word "investment" begs the question of, what is our return on investment (ROI) as American taxpayers?
Crisis Tyrant “Mandates” Are Not Law
Greetings everyone and a Blessed Holy Week to you. I pray we never forget that it was just two short years ago that the Covid Crisis Tyrants sought to shut down Holy Week in America. And in many ways, these delusional usurpers of our Constitutional rights, freedoms, and liberties are not relenting.
The Feds Continue to Ignore the Constitution
Last week the Biden Administration announced it would be ending the Title 42 Covid restrictions on illegal immigrants. I find this to be very ironic as the Governor of Texas just renewed the Covid emergency declaration on 23 March. It would appear illegals have more rights than law-abiding Texas citizens. However, what is quite unconstitutional is the Biden administration's abdication of their constitutional duty under the "Guarantee Clause", Article IV, Section 4. The federal government is charged to protect every state in the union from invasion. And there can be no debate when millions are entering our nation illegally. This is not an immigration issue, it is indeed an invasion.
Live Free Means Economic Freedom
Perhaps some of you may recall that this whole idea of taxing income began in the early 1900s, circa 1917. Prior to taxing Americans based upon their income, taxation was based upon consumption, what people purchased. The personal income tax was supposed to be temporary, and not to exceed 2%. Yes, the joke is firmly upon the American people.