Bill of Rights

New Rule Introduced by Unelected Global Body Will Impact Every Firearm Purchased in US with a Credit Card

New rules being accepted by credit card companies will allow all gun shop purchases made with a credit card to be tracked as such. The International Organization for Standardization, an international body, announced Friday that it was creating a new merchant code for gun shop sales. Such stores had formerly been classified as dealers in “general merchandise,” according to Fox Business.

By |2022-09-15T20:05:36-04:00September 15, 2022|News, Second Amendment|

BRIEF: Statement on Coach Kennedy Case

As the Executive Director of the American Constitutional Rights Union, I commend the US Supreme Court once again for ruling on the side of the Constitution and individual rights. The Coach Kennedy case was a secular humanist and progressive socialist challenge to our very first liberty, the freedom of religion and the free exercise thereof. Coach Kennedy's actions of taking a knee in prayer after HS football games was a personal right. He did not advocate for or seek any state, government, endorsement, nor coerce anyone to enjoin with him. We have distorted the concept of Separation of Church and State, written by Thomas Jefferson in his letter to the Danbury (CT) Baptist convention. Solemn, silent, and solitary individual prayer by anyone in any venue is not a sponsorship of government religion. It is a sacred part of our Judeo-Christian faith heritage which should not be separated from any American citizen.

By |2022-06-27T16:08:53-04:00June 27, 2022|Colonel's Constitutional Brief, First Amendment|

Allen West: America’s Unique Freedom

Consider the events of April 19, 1775 at a place called Lexington Green in Massachusetts. As the British landed and were marching inland towards Concord for the purpose of destroying a weapons and armaments factory, men of valor prepared and answered the call to arms. The British military was the most powerful land force the world knew. Yet, those Sons of Liberty knew there was something at stake: liberty from tyranny. And so, they took the field of Lexington Green and fired the shot that was heard around the world.

By |2022-06-02T11:39:11-04:00June 2, 2022|ACRU Commentary, OPED, Second Amendment|
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