Constitutional Republic

The Unconstitutional Undermining of our Constitutional Republic

The leftists in America are more concerned with the politics of gaining power than your Life, Liberty, and Property (Pursuit of Happiness). Your inalienable rights mean nothing to them since they conflict with their quest for power and their ideological agenda. The progressive socialist left is the greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic. You are their philosophical and political opposition and a threat to their ends. And for them, the ends justify the means, and they will seek to attain those ends by any means necessary.

By |2024-03-26T15:30:07-04:00March 26, 2024|ABW OpEd|

Allen West: Protecting Democracy From the Democrats

Let me first begin by stating that America is not a democracy; it is a constitutional republic. Matter of fact, in Article IV, Section 4 of our Constitution, known as the "Guarantee Clause," the federal government is supposed to guarantee to every State in the Union a "Republican form of government." Now, that does not mean a Republican party, but rather the form of governance associated with that of a Republic. As you recall, Benjamin Franklin when asked what form of government the founders created, replied "a republic, if you can keep it."

By |2022-07-06T13:51:59-04:00July 6, 2022|ACRU Commentary, OPED|
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