Election Integrity

Ranked Choice Voting is a REAL Threat to Fair Elections

RCV’s signature promise is to deliver candidates that win true electoral majorities. But RCV’s version of “majority rule” is a mirage rendered by throwing out ballots and redistributing votes between candidates. In fact, so many ballots can be thrown out that winners sometimes do not secure a majority of the total votes cast in an election.

By |2023-04-30T12:59:05-04:00March 5, 2023|Election Issues|

Jason Snead: The Ranked-Choice Voting Virus Spreads To Utah

"A guinea pig.” That is what Sandy, Utah Mayor Monica Zoltanski said that “ranked-choice voting” (RCV) made of her hometown. The town opted into Utah’s controversial RCV pilot program, but the experiment has not gone well. The cost-saving promised by proponents never materialized, but the real alarm bells should have sounded when the experiment produced voter confusion and voter disengagement.Yet instead of ending this failed pilot program, Utah legislators are now considering a bill to expand ranked-choice voting to primary elections for state and federal office.

By |2023-03-05T14:12:51-05:00March 5, 2023|Elections, News, Ranked-Choice Voting, Voting Fraud News|

How ACRU Defends Your Constitutional Freedoms and Ensures Fair Elections with Lori Roman

Looking to protect your constitutional rights and ensure free and fair elections? The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) is here to defend your American civil liberties! This week, ACRU President Lori Roman – a friend of Better for America – joins Rebecca for an update on their joint venture with AMAC to protect vulnerable voters and to discuss the recent Twitter File revelations and their impact on the fight for free speech. Tune in to learn how ACRU is channeling Ronald Reagan’s mentality and leading the charge for constitutional rights!

By |2023-03-05T14:12:54-05:00February 15, 2023|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED|
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