Join Colonel West as he explores current events in the pure and unvarnished context of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The Echoes of Rome’s Demise
When one studies the factors which brought about Rome's collapse, we see them being repeated here.
An Unconstitutional Order for Our Military
Ordering the US military to participate in an operation that unconstitutionally allows illegal immigrants entry into America is flat out wrong.
We Need a Definition of the Word ‘Freedom’
Joe Biden uses the word "freedom," but what he is speaking of is the freedom of government to dictate, mandate, order, and decree your life.
The Left’s War on Women and Children
We are witnessing the complete darkness of the left when it comes to the issue of our children.
Where’s Helen Reddy?
Helen Reddy once sang, "I am woman, hear me roar." Now we have biological males roaring and masquerading as being better women than women.
The Second Amendment
Constitutional conservatives, and those who love their freedoms, must begin to push back against the lawlessness of the left.
Don’t Touch the Hot Stove!
Constitutional conservatives, the real classical liberals, must no longer cede over the inner cities, major population centers.
A Discussion of Constitutional Rights
We need to have an adult conversation about constitutional rights, erase the insidious emotions, and let's attempt to reason.
Whose Children Are They?
The leftists do not believe that your kids are your kids if you do not embrace their ideological agenda, which includes indoctrinating our children.
The Constitutional Right to Screw Up
When people are put in positions of responsibility because of outward physical characteristics, and not because of ability, talent, and merit, this is what you get.