Join Colonel West as he explores current events in the pure and unvarnished context of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The Anti-Constitution Party
There is only one way to describe the progressive socialist left: it has devolved into the anti-constitution party.
Panem et Circenses
We are being utterly distracted by the modern-day bread and circuses all the while our constitutional rights are being undermined.
America’s Constitutional Obstacle to Totalitarianism: the Second Amendment
Our Founding Fathers created the Second Amendment in the US Constitution as the obstacle to tyranny.
The City of No Consequences
We need a House GOP that will be strong, principled, and resolute in holding violators constitutionally accountable.
Maricopa Mulligan
I do not think it is wrong to say the 2022 midterm election in Maricopa County, Arizona must be redone . . . in golf it is called a Mulligan. #MulliganInMaricopa
Lesson of the Kobayashi Maru
It is time we understand the program and seek to reprogram it so that we can have fair elections and restore the confidence of Americans in the system.
Our Constitutional Republic Still Stands
Yesterday y'all proved that you don't have to have served in uniform to support and defend our Constitutional Republic . . . you just have to be a true American patriot.
Our Constitutional Republic Still Stands
Howdy, y'all; it is the day after November 8th, and guess what? The world did not come to an end. Furthermore, we did not experience the end of democracy. First, let's have a short little lesson in civics, America is not a democracy. America is a constitutional Republic. We have [...]
Election Integrity
The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) will have a webinar this evening on the subject of election integrity.
The Constitutional Case for Impeaching Joe Biden
If our rule of law is meaningless, then the consent of the governed is replaced by the rule of tyranny