Join Colonel West as he explores current events in the pure and unvarnished context of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The Biggest Threat to American Blacks: Joe Biden and Progressive Leftists
If there is one thing we have come to count on, it is Joe Biden saying really dumb things.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
There can be no debate that leftist ideological agenda policies should not be funded by American taxpayers.
The Days After Independence Day
In order to celebrate Independence Day, we must stay focused on the days after Independence Day.
The Left’s Dream of Nationalizing Elections
We here at the American Constitutional Rights Union fully support election integrity and disavow this SCOTUS decision which opens the path to federal nationalization of our elections.
Form 4473
Disarming legal and law-abiding Americans while releasing violent criminals, and felons, like Hunter Biden, back onto the streets will not be tolerated.
Who Makes the Law?
At first glance one might read the title of this missive and respond, "c'mon Colonel it's the legislative branch." That answer would be true because America is a constitutional republic. In our three branches of government, the one tasked with passing bills, legislation, is the one made up of our representatives, the legislature. However, the question posed by this title goes beyond just the superficial understanding of Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws from which we get the concepts of legislative, executive, and judicial branches. And I am sure many of you realize that there are Americans who cannot articulate that simple construct.
Who is Controlling Your Rights?
Leftists have no regard for our individual constitutional rights, they only care to advance their ideological rights.
Let’s Make a Deal
If we keep making deals, instead of constitutional governance and true fiscal responsibility, we will deal ourselves back into economic bondage.
The Delusion and Disillusion of the NAACP
[The NAACP] is an ideological and agenda-driven organization, aligned with a political party that has consistently embraced the ideas of physical and economic enslavement when it comes to Blacks in America.
Free vs. Ideological Press
We must all disperse the vital kernels of truth that will restore and sustain our Republic. We must be relentless and share truth and knowledge with those in the dark. Show them the light.