Freedom of Religion and Free Exercise Thereof
Never again should we have American politicians rewriting the Christmas story.
Never again should we have American politicians rewriting the Christmas story.
For the progressive socialist left, Israel and its survival are less important than the 2024 election.
Our First Amendment does not protect people from being held accountable for supporting enemies of our nation and civilization.
Only idiots and those who have never been on a battlefield believe in a “proportionate response” in war.
The incubators of hatred have become a rampant field of loathing and anger toward anyone that does not embrace a progressive socialist, Marxist, perspective.
We must recognize the line between good and evil and utterly crush the latter. Failure is not an option for our future generations.
There is a very interesting question that our Constitutional Republic must face in the aftermath of the savage and barbaric attack of a designated Islamic terrorist organization, Hamas, against a sovereign Nation-State, Israel.
I condemn the actions of Hamas, send a warning to Hezbollah, and desire that our policies change towards the top sponsor of Islamic terrorism, Iran.