Join Colonel West as he explores current events in the pure and unvarnished context of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
US Supreme Court Undermines American Sovereignty
Last time I checked, there was a security barrier around the US Supreme Court. I guess it all comes down to "rules for thee, but not for me."
Who Are the True Authoritarians?
Authoritarians are the ones demanding that you shut up, eat bugs, and buy their approved vehicles and appliances.
Art Imitating — or Shaping — Life
The year 2024 is already contentious and the last thing needed is for leftists to use art to shape our political atmosphere.
America’s True Constitutional Crisis
When I look ahead into this year, a crucial one, I recognize America's true crisis with regard to our constitution.
Freedom of Religion and Free Exercise Thereof
Never again should we have American politicians rewriting the Christmas story.
All Politics Are Local
We must put a focus on these local levels of governance in order to have a voice and a seat at the table.
America’s Game: Army vs. Navy
The Army-Navy game may not produce the college football national championship team. It just produces young men who will be our champions on battlefields across the globe.
If this is the way the progressive socialist leftists are going to treat members of our military, who would want to serve?
Please Come Home for Christmas
The US military is asking troops that they wrongfully discharged to, well, please come back. The Biden administration is calling a "mulligan" and asking these discharged troops to return.
“The” vs. “These”
We often hear people say "the United States of America." I would offer that is not the correct way of referring to our nation. The correct way would be "these United States of America."