Mexico, Marxists, and the Second Amendment
Let's all be honest, what happened before the SCOTUS yesterday was Mexico and Marxists teaming up against the Second Amendment.
Let's all be honest, what happened before the SCOTUS yesterday was Mexico and Marxists teaming up against the Second Amendment.
Liberty-loving Americans flooded the ballot box on November 5, 2024. We will now have a Department of Justice that restores the rule of law. But, never forget that the last box, the cartridge box, and your access to it is enshrined in the Constitution of these United States under the Second Amendment.
This ruling from the Minnesota Supreme Court conveys the belief that even when a law abiding citizen, person, is actively being attacked, and at risk of death, they cannot defend themselves and brandish a deadly weapon if it is "reasonably possible to retreat".
The American Constitutional Rights Union filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of America’s leading firearms companies as they seek Supreme Court review of a decision by the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit allowing the Mexican government to sue them.
With the backing of the UN and the approval of the Biden administration, Mexico has filed a court case that could impose the UN small arms treaty, clearing the way for foreign nations to sue and dictate firearms policy in our Constitutional Republic.
In this engaging and informative video, Lieutenant Colonel Allen West welcomes Tyler Izaguirre, President of the Second Amendment Institute. The discussion covers a range of crucial topics related to the Second Amendment, including current threats to gun rights, the dangers of red flag laws, legal actions being taken by the Second Amendment Institute, and the importance of educating and empowering individuals to support their right to bear arms.
We have now had two prominent progressive socialist elected officials utter the nonsense that no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.
“Last week on Independence Day, a deranged cross-dressing biological black male, I will not use their name, decided to gun down innocent people in Philadelphia. It was comical to witness the leftist media avoid, at all costs, describing the shooter since it did not meet their narrative litmus test.” states ACRU Executive Director Allen West in his latest OPED for
Back in April of 1775, England tried to impose gun control on the Sons of Liberty in Massachusetts. It did not end up well then . . . and it will not now.
Disarming legal and law-abiding Americans while releasing violent criminals, and felons, like Hunter Biden, back onto the streets will not be tolerated.